Teacher Planning Resouces
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Accelerated Reader
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At Mountain we are focusing on technology to support our teachers and students, we have committed to having our students have full access to technology to support their learning. We are a wireless school with devices available in every classroom, including iPads, Chromebooks, document cameras, and data projectors. Our Learning Commons has a set of Chromebooks for use by classes and inquiry groups. We continue to explore new technology and are adding resources that will support our students desire to connect with and explore their world.
Aboriginal Education
First Nations students have been an integral part of our school culture since the beginning. The students receive academic support through our Response to Intervention (RTI) system and our Aboriginal support worker. The new revised curriculum (2017) embraces Aboriginal learning and our Aboriginal support works works both directly with students and with teachers to help them integrate Aboriginal ways of knowing. in addition, we have many cultural activities that embrace the learning of all our students.
First Nations carvers, painters and dancers make regular visits to our school. A Breakfast Club runs every morning and in past years we have also sponsored a Homework Club.
Learning Support Services
Our Learning Support Services department includes our Learning Assistance Teacher and a Learning Commons Teacher. Together, along with several Teaching Assistants, they provide programs and supports to many of our struggling learners. Through the use of technology, small group and one-on-one support, these children are able to make large gains. Roughly 20% of our student body is supported by this department.
ESL Information